"Briefly explains where my life wants me to be. This is just me babbling. Welcome to my blog. This is Priska Paramitha speaking, btw."

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26 June 2010

Meet : Danbo.

Some of you might already know who is Danbo. For the rest of you who don't know what or who the heck is it, Danbo is a model/talent you can bought from amazon. It's unclear whether it's a he or she. I'd like to think that it's a he unless you put on a bow to it. Tonight i'll post some of my favorite pictures with Danbo as the talent. 

Enjoy the cuteness!

Danbo Awakes by [ embr ]

I'm Gonna Watch You Grow by Cocobi-Lens

Awakening by chpsauce

Going dotty by BeciAnne

Ugghh.. Help me please.. by 800zz

and my favorite one of many favs issss..

Be Careful by Antontang

Antontang is my favorite Danbo artist. Check out his gallery on deviantArt to see some more super duper cute Danbos!


bhob sadja said...

ini keren. keren ini keren. cool.. bgt dah..
saya suka. suka saya ini. interesting!
creative! :two thumbs up:

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